One study shows that a value-based purchasing program, or VBP, isn't offering sufficient incentives for nursing homes to improve care. The data shows that most nursing homes in underserved populations perform worse. Only 0.7% of facilities could improve enough to...
More Than 20 Years Of Experience In The Field Of Health Care Law
Health Law Attorneys
Filing complaints with Health and Human Services
The hospice laws of Texas make sure that negligence is never acceptable in health and human services. Patient safety is the first task that any care provider has. You don't have to be the person who suffered to make a complaint; family members, the police and present...
Labor Department Focusing On Hospice Care Wages
The U.S. Department of Labor has introduced initiatives to make sure that hospice workers and home-based caregivers are given fair wages and are protected by legal regulations. These workers, who are disproportionately women of color, are among the lowest-paid health...
Will Hospice Providers Face Medicare Cuts In 2023?
Backed by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC), medical industry pay cuts are scheduled to go into effect in 2023. The current health care law in Texas is also set to allow changes in the cost of Medicare. Rising costs might become a challenge to some...
Steps To Becoming A Licensed Texas Hospice Provider
Texas Health and Human Services is the governing body over home health groups through which all home and community support service agencies (HCSSAs) must be licensed. This agency is responsible for certifying new providers as well as surveying community support...
Trey Scott Joins Catherine Short On The 1st Talk Compliance Podcast
Our very own Coordinating Attorney, Trey Scott joined Catherine Short on the 1st Talk Compliance Podcast. Trey discussed the different issues that arise for healthcare providers when it comes to compliance, lawsuits, and the process that comes from them, as well as...
Representing American Medical Hospice and Palliative Care
A home health care agency in San Antonio, Texas is suing the federal government for postponing its Medicare payments during the global pandemic, which accounts for the majority of their revenue. This temporary halt on the agency’s biggest source of income has the...
Kennedy Attorneys and Counselors at Law Recognized by Best Lawyers©️ in America
Our firm is very proud of the work that we have done and the direction that we are heading towards in the future. We are thrilled to be included for a second year in a row in the Best Lawyers© database. Not only was Mark Kennedy nominated for the second year in a row,...
Governor’s Report to Open Texas
Governor Greg Abbott’s report on opening the State of Texas is attached in its entirety. OpenTexas-Report
Joanna Martin Accepts In-House Counsel Position
We are sad to announce that Joanna Martin will be leaving our firm. She has decided to accept an in-house counsel position. We appreciate the 9 years that Joanna spent at Kennedy Law and all of the hard work that she provided us with. Everyone at Kennedy Law wishes...